

Appalachian Archaeology is a woman-owned and family operated firm located in the hills of Smilax, Kentucky. We specialize in archaeological survey in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation of Act of 1966. We are certified archaeologists, and we are dedicated to high-quality and efficient work. Appalachia is our home and our heritage; we believe in preserving our past and building our future.

Kiristen Webb, Owner

Kiristen has a B.A. in Anthropology from
the University of Kentucky and a
Master’s degree in Anthropology from
the University of Florida. She
specializes in environmental
archaeology, historical ecology, and
lithic analysis. She has over three
years of field and lab experience.

Shawn Webb, Archaeologist

Shawn has a B.A. in Anthropology from
the University of Kentucky and
specialized in lithic analysis. He has ten
years of field and lab experience.